Forget New Years resolutions and more advice on quitting weed, alcohol

Watching a friend or family member suffer from alcoholism is deeply distressing and frustrating. To help the person stop drinking, you’ll need to confront them and try to support them as they get help. Tell them that you’re worried, that you care about them, and that you want them to get help.

We’re exploring ways to improve support for people struggling with their alcohol consumption through their loved ones, and we need your help. Inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities are another effective place to surround yourself with people who will walk you through detox and recovery with no judgment. Because substance use disorder is a complex disease, you likely have more than one trigger. When you feel a craving coming on, assess what’s around you and what you’re feeling. Put a sticky note in places where you know you’ll need that extra reminder. Set a daily message alert on your phone for moments when you know you’ll crave a drink the most.

Warning signs you have a problem with alcohol

Since the 1990s, naltrexone has been approved by the FDA to treat alcohol use disorder. This drug limits the pleasurable effects of drinking without making you feel sick. Naltrexone is a key component in the Sinclair Method, which uses targeted doses of this drug to help people moderate or quit over time. It is also available as a monthly injection (under the name Vivitrol), or as a daily pill.

Before going any further, we should also stress that if you expect significant alcohol withdrawal symptoms, you should talk to a doctor before quitting. This is especially true if you think you have a serious drinking problem. If you’ve become dependent on alcohol, cutting it out of your life may produce withdrawal symptoms, such as a rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, sweating and shaking.

Tips for Cutting Back

For others, it can be a chance to start pursuing long-term abstinence at a time when fewer people around them are drinking. All in all, the best way to quit varies from individual to individual, depending on their drinking habits, genetics, reasons for drinking, personal history, personality, and many other factors. Each person will need to consider their specific goals, and find a combination of the above methods How to Stop Drinking that works well for them—ideally after consulting a doctor. This isn’t always necessary, but some people prefer to go straight through withdrawal—the equivalent of ripping off a band-aid. The advantage can be that you push through the physical symptoms quickly, and come out the other side ready to change your habits. The downside is that cold turkey can also leave you feeling drained and vulnerable.

How to Stop Drinking

Some of these are inpatient or residential programs, where you stay at a treatment center for a while. Others are outpatient programs, where you live at home and go to the center for treatment. And for many people, the brief motivational intervention increases their motivation for change, their commitment, and confidence in their ability to stop drinking. If you’re hosting a social event, it’s important to provide nonalcoholic options for people who might not want to drink, he adds. Severe symptoms may require benzodiazepines to prevent serious consequences of alcohol withdrawal. Noting down successes and patterns can help individuals reduce their drinking by using methods that help most and avoiding others that are not effective.

I’m In Recovery

Along with anxiety and irritability, you may also experience mood swings when you give up alcohol. If you struggle to sleep, talk to your doctor about solutions that might help. This may be more pronounced if you often use alcohol as a way to manage existing sleep problems.

  • Prepare yourself for those times when someone is going to offer you a drink.
  • Yet they don’t recognise that cutting down is even harder than stopping.
  • The group can give you a place to get social support and encouragement from others going through a similar situation.
  • Watching a friend or family member suffer from alcoholism is deeply distressing and frustrating.
  • If you feel that you’d like some help quitting alcohol, but don’t have the time or money to go to inpatient or outpatient rehab, there are some options that can make things easier.

The above groups for family members of alcoholics, as well as traditional therapy options, may help support you. There is even a branch of recovery coaching geared towards caregivers. The better you feel, the better you’ll be able to care for someone else. Recognizing alcohol use disorder as a disease helps remove the stigma from it, and also makes it easier to treat. As it turns out, thinking of alcoholism as a medical condition opens up new solutions for managing it, or solving the problem. However, for many, the right combination of stress and environmental factors can set this chain reaction in motion.

Make a plan for when cravings kick in.

Even those who haven’t struggled with alcohol use disorder can benefit from this type of reflection, Shah adds. Taking stock of your triggers can help you better prepare for the times when you tend to overdo it. There are effective treatments for people with severe alcohol use disorder, including cognitive behavioural therapy and medications such as acamprosate and naltrexone, Wood said. This does not mean that a mental health condition will necessarily go aware when you stop drinking but abstaining from alcohol use can improve your symptoms and lead to better treatment outcomes.

  • It’s also key to arrange alternative activities so your social life and free time don’t revolve around alcohol.
  • Keeping a drinking diary can help make people aware of how much they consume and how it makes them feel.
  • Online programs let you consult with doctors and recovery coaches over video chat, access anti-craving prescriptions, join virtual support groups, and track your progress digitally.
  • Avoidance can be temporary, and people can return to social activities when they can better manage their urges.

So, giving up alcohol can help your skin to look more hydrated and glowing. However, when you stop drinking, your liver will begin to repair itself and the damage will start to reverse. Another benefit of giving up alcohol is that your mind may be clearer. This is because alcohol can cause changes in brain chemistry, which can lead to cognitive problems. You might notice this effect more if you were drinking to manage your mood, such as drinking to temporarily relieve negative emotions or boost positive ones.